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The created system of preliminary information «PriorControl» is today a unique and innovative solution.


During its development, many years of experience were used in working with information material related to cargo turnover between the countries of the European Union and the Russian Federation. The software product was presented at international exhibitions. Within the framework of international cooperation, it was represented in the member countries of the Customs Union.

The main task in the development of the system was to create a modern "mechanism" to optimize all the processes associated with the movement of goods between different countries, where there is a need to go through various types of control and inspection.

The created system, first of all, should be of interest to exporters who are preparing goods for shipment and who want to minimize the time for processing various documents.

The principle of operation of system of electronic preliminary informing is providing the regulatory authorities on the territory of Russian Federation the information about the goods which are subject to phytosanitary control, before their actual entry into the country.

This procedure allows to make the preliminary examination of terms of supply, and also reduces the time of handling the documents of the cargo.

The participants of electronic preliminary information enter all the available information about the cargo and its direction.

Using of PriorControl system helps to:


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